46% of all Google searches have local intent. Moreover, 78% of users who search locally result in making a purchase from a local business. Local SEO strategies can help you appear higher on online search results so, that you reach more potential customers in your area.

But as the digital landscape becomes more saturated, these search ranking factors can help improve your local search marketing.

1. Consistent Location

97% of users go online to find a local business. To improve your search engine ranking, it’s important that your location is consistent for every listing. Include zip codes and suite numbers. For phone numbers, indicate your area code. Providing consistent information will help Google better understand what your business stands for, helping the search engine index your website faster. 

Another way to leverage your location is by localizing your pages, content, and even hashtags. For example, you can write about local events and organically include your location along with your keyword. Do the same for on-page locations, titles, and meta descriptions.

2. Business Descriptions

When creating profiles online, many brands tend to disregard business descriptions. However, providing a description of your business is an opportunity to optimize your content. For one, it gives readers a single place to learn more about your company. You can add keywords, as well as photos and videos. While this may not directly affect your search ranking, it can draw the attention of visitors who are searching for discounts and incentives.

3. Complete Listings Everywhere

Optimizing your Google Business Profile is the best way to climb the local search engine rankings, but it’s not enough. Aside from general directories, there are also industry-specific and location-specific directories. 

When you have more listings, you help search engines better understand your business. As a result, they trust you more and see your business as relevant, which can improve your search engine ranking. So, while creating listings may seem tedious, the results are worth it. 

4. Reviews

Your SEO campaign wouldn’t matter if your site doesn’t have any reviews. Online reviews influence Google search results rankings by over 10%. However, the search engine doesn’t care whether you receive positive or negative reviews. In fact, negative reviews provide authentic SEO. They also offer a balance to your overall SEO, as fake or biased reviews continue to proliferate on social platforms. 

Overall, reviews help search engines find the right product for a particular search query. That’s why it’s important to get as many reviews as you can. Asking users to leave a review on your business will not only boost your local search ranking but also help you create an established reputation.

Boost Your Local SEO Strategy

Local SEO is crucial in helping potential customers find you when searching online. However, it’s also a competitive field. Fortunately, knowing these local search ranking factors can help you greatly improve your online presence. More than that, they can also help you connect better with local customers.